95624, Elk Grove, California - November 2, 2020
Electrostatic Painting$80.68 - $92.53 per hour (plus cost of paint) Cost estimate considers labor for electrostatic painting (painting metal surfaces). Price estimate includes site preparation and spray application of paint to metal surfaces (furniture, fencing, doors, etc.). Does not include paint, trip charges, emergency calls, weekend hours, long-distance travel, and commercial projects.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
95813, Sacramento, California - November 2, 2020
Electrostatic Painting$59.26 - $67.97 per hour (plus cost of paint) Estimated quote considers the cost of painting metal objects. No additional charge for painting metal objects (appliances, office furniture, beams, etc.). Price does not take into account paint, fuel surcharges, and roof painting.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |
95661, Roseville, California - November 2, 2020
Electrostatic Painting$48.91 - $56.09 per hour (plus cost of paint) This estimated quote includes painting metal objects. It also includes painting metal objects (appliances, office furniture, beams, etc.). Cost excludes paint, fuel surcharges, and roof painting.
Reported by: ProMatcher Research Team |